Guidelines for using Michem Indicator Solution Test

Test Procedure:

  1. Shake the Michem Indicator Solution 001 prior to use.
  2. Place a drop of the Michem Indicator Solution 001 indicator solution on Michem® Primer treated substrate.
  3. Start the stopwatch at the moment the drop touches the Primer.
    1. The color of the indicator solution will change from blue/green to yellow.
    2. The speed of the color change is directly related to the coating weight and the type of substrate.
  4. Stop the stopwatch at the moment the drop turns completely yellow (from the blue/green).
    1. In most cases, an adequate coating weight of Primer will turn color in 12-13 seconds.
  5. For a control, apply Michem Indicator Solution 001 to the non-treated substrate and repeat steps 1-4.
    1. It will take much longer for the blue color to disappear or may not change at all.
    2. If the non-treated substrate is acidic the Michem Indicator Solution 001 will turn yellow whether Primer is present or not.
    3. You must test the non-treated substrate to rule out the possibility of a ‘false positive’ test for Primer.

Materials Needed:

Updated: September 10, 2023