Guidelines for Using DigiPrime® 060 for HP Indigo 30000 Presses

Substrate Selection Guide

Please refer to HP Indigo Media Locator materials for more updated information on validated materials or contact Michelman.


DigiPrime® 060 is available in pails of 18Kg.


DigiPrime® 060 is a water-based, press-ready primer. It is very stable, with a shelf life of 12 months if stored unopened at moderate temperatures above 0°C. The primer must be protected from freezing. If frozen, it is possible that grit or gels may be found in the product and it should not be used.


Primer in the In-Line Priming Unit

Quantity of Primer and Cleaning Solutions

In the priming unit on the HP Indigo machine, you will find space for 2 pails of 18 liters each. One tank should be filled with deionized water and the second one should be filled with primer (DigiPrime® 060).

The new ILP cleaning cycles prevent primer from drying on the coating roller and anilox. If the primer happens to dry and forms an insoluble film for any reason, use IPA or hot water to remove the dried primer from the coating roller or anilox. Never use any other cleaning agent. If you want to use a cleaning agent, please contact Michelman.

Press Settings

For successful priming of your substrate and good adhesion of the ink, it is important to follow HP recommendations. Please refer to HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press “User Guide” (reference CA494-08660) or contact your HP representative.


Please refer to HP “User Guide”

Illustrating the water and primer pail set up.

Recommended Coat Weight

SubstrateAnilox Type

papers, boards, and general purpose

1000 lines/inch/1.2 bcm OR 400 lines/cm 1.8 cc

rough boards and synthetics

800 lines/inch/1.2 bcm OR 320 lines/cm 2.8 cc


Quality Check

Checking the Primer Adhesion

Use a combination of Michem® Indicator MI102 solution and the tape test:

  1. Apply tape (3M Scotch 234 for paper, 3M Scotch 810 for film) smoothly to the primed surface without wrinkling.
  2. Apply sufficient pressure using a 2Kg roller evenly along the tape. Run the roller back-and forth two times.
  3. Wait 20 minutes before peeling the tape. After removing tape, check substrate surface for primer removal.
  4. Verify presence of primer by applying the above mentioned primer indicator in the peeled area. If there is primer adhesion, it will change appearance from yellow to blue.
Checking the Ink Adhesion
  1. Ink Adhesion can be verified with the same method used to verify primer adhesion (FINAT FTM21).
  2. Wait for 15 minutes after printing before applying tape to the printed surface.
  3. Wait 20 minutes before peeling the tape. After removing tape, check substrate surface for ink removal.
  4. Result should be 86% of the ink adhesion (3 star level).
Illustrating the primer adhesion.

Updated: September 10, 2023