Plastic Waste Management Compliance Solutions

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Plastic Waste Management Compliance Solutions

One of the missions of Michelman Innovation Centre for Coatings (MICC) is to develop integrated solutions that help the region’s packaging value chain comply with Plastic Waste Management and other, ever-intensifying environmental regulations.

“At the MICC, we provide the packaging industry with all the tools necessary to innovate in a dynamic and evolving flexible packaging market,” said Mr. Shailesh Nema, Vice President and Managing Director at Michelman India. “We are currently helping companies comply with Plastic Waste Management and other regulations by offering coating innovations that allow for mono-material package applications.”

With significant investments in world-class talent, state-of-the-art equipment for testing and prototyping, along with proven, water-based technologies, the MICC has helped companies produce compliant solutions for numerous packaging applications including edible oils, frozen and refrigerated foods, lightweight dry foods, and many other mono-material applications.

The MICC, located at Michelman India’s Mumbai offices, is a sustainable packaging incubator strategically designed to serve the needs of India and its surrounding markets to allow for fast, efficient development of sustainable packaging solutions. Through a combination of dedicated materials and application labs; ample opportunity for collaborative innovation; and an infusion of water-based technology, all members of the packaging value chain have access to the tools needed to achieve innovative and sustainable solutions for the natural environment and their business.