Flexible Packaging

Heat Seal Coatings

Heat Seal Technology

Our water-based heat seal coatings balance low initiation temperatures with excellent bond strength. Our continuous innovation of the product line has resulted in a broad range of products which adhere to many types of substrates including films, foil, and paper.


Product Name
Substrate - paper
Michem® Prime 4983R



Product Name
Substrate - film
Substrate - paper
Michem® Coat 9100
Michem® Coat 95
Michem® Flex 1306
Michem® Flex 4915
Michem® Flex HS1130
Michem® Flex HS185
Michem® Flex HS268
Michem® Flex HS9105
Michem® Flex P1808
Michem® Flex P1853R
Michem® Flex P1883
VaporCoat® 2240



  • Provides wide operating window by extensive temperature range
  • Improves quality by sealing through contaminations
  • Productivity improved through increased line speeds with excellent hot tack and low seal initiation temperature
  • Machines well with a capability of a wide range of Coefficient of Friction (COF) values to fit needs.
  • Enhances shelf appeal with superior clarity
  • Flexibility in use by adhering to a wide range of substrate materials
  • Excellent sustainability from water-based chemistry
Typical Structure
Substrate Ink Michem® Flex HS9020
Substrate Ink Michem® Flex P2300 Michem® Flex HS9020