Inline & offline digital printing primers certified for use with HP Indigo presses.
Water-based overprint coatings increase durability and enhance the look & feel of inkjet-printed materials.
High-performance primers for inkjet that improve print quality & ink adhesion on film & paper.
Advanced materials designed to enhance the performance and processing of agricultural products.
Recyclable water-based coatings that confer high barrier to paper-based packaging and wraps.
Enhancing composite performance through optimized fiber-polymer interface adhesion
Water-based sizing solutions designed to optimize interfacial adhesion in composites using carbon fiber.
2030 Goals
Michelman is committed to sustaining our planet by continually reducing our footprint and bringing planet-positive solutions to the marketplace.
Sustainable Packaging
Future proofing, problem solving, and above all, collaborating. Our people, our planet, shaping the circular economy of tomorrow.
Thinking Ahead
Discover trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the future of carbon fiber technology and applications.
News (Wednesday, 12 February 2025)
The 70-ft line consists of equipment contributed by Michelman and enables hands-on training for composite engineers.
News (Tuesday, 21 January 2025)
Collaboration with FibreCoat leads to basalt fiber for EMI, RFI shielding, and thermal management applications.
News (Thursday, 21 November 2024)
Wilma will direct Michelman’s people engagement, organizational design, and culture initiatives.
Our corporate values are a testimony of our highest priorities as individuals and as a company.
Our Board Members provide expert guidance to enable global success.
Michelman's thought leadership around sustainability and the circular economy.
A Legacy of Innovation
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Whether you are a customer or supplier, Michelman Values are at the core of our business relations.
Michelman is a global company with offices in the Americas, Asia and Europe.
Located all over the world, Michelman distribution partners have the expertise to help you win.
Fertilizers are used in almost all crops. It is important to get maximum performance with controlled application of the fertilizer in portions, to provide a beneficial effect on plant growth. Coatings control the release of nutrients, by avoiding washing away of fertilizer salts, and by making NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) application uniform.
Poor storage conditions or storage without proper treatment results in the formation of clumps or powders and insufficient granulation leading to yield losses. Michelman NurtureYield® K products protect those fertilizers which are most easily dissolved in water.
Anti–caking coatings preserve the granular nature of fertilizer. Urea, urea based NPK, CAN (Calcium ammonium-nitrate) or nitro–phosphatic NPK fertilizers are most in need of these coatings; whereas superphosphates, ammonium sulphate, and DAP (Diammonium phosphate) do not need anti–caking treatments due to their less hygroscopic nature.
Hygroscopicity is affected by: Chemical composition of the fertilizer, moisture content, ambient temperature, relative humidity, particle structure and porosity, exposure time, and particle surface area.
NurtureYield® K6001 and NurtureYield® K6002 bind and hold the fertilizer together to form good pellets. This allows the fertilizer to be spread evenly.
Moisture control products like NurtureYield® K6021 keep the pellets of fertilizer from immediately washing away, providing a more controlled release.
The anti–caking agents on wetting make the surface of the granule resistant to water so that the rate of moisture absorption by the granules is reduced. A hydrophobic barrier between two granules is provided to prevent bonding due to capillary adhesion. It restricts caking under the influence of humid conditions maintaining the granule geometry of the product and makes it free-flowing. Estimated loading levels are around 0.05% dry weight of emulsion on the dry weight of the fertilizer.
Slow –or controlled– release fertilizers delay the availability of a nutrient(s) for plant uptake or extend its availability to the plant longer.
NurtureYield® waterborne formulation additives improve flow and planting behavior of seeds; processing and controlled release in fertilizer…